Abtreibung legalisieren – jetzt!

December 7th

Demonstration: Legalize abortion – now!

§ 218 of the German Penal Code criminalizes unwanted pregnant people and violates their right to reproductive self-determination. Abortion is only exempt from punishment within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and under strict conditions, such as mandatory counseling and a reflection period. This leads to the disempowerment and humiliation of those affected and creates massive obstacles.

We demand: Legalize abortion now! Remove § 218 from the Penal Code without replacement, replace the mandatory counseling with the right to voluntary counseling and ensure that the costs are fully covered for everyone!

A representative survey by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs shows that more than 75% of the German population is in favor of legalization. The German government's expert commission and the World Health Organization are also in favor. And the draft bill of civil society organizations proves that it is possible. It is now up to the members of the German Parliament to finally act!

The criminalization of abortion severely restricts the lives and health of unwanted pregnant people. Abortion is neither a mandatory part of medical training, nor is it covered by health insurance. This leads to a shortage of doctors who perform abortions and to a high financial burden for unwanted pregnant people. A lack of accessibility in health facilities makes it even more difficult for people facing discrimination to access safe abortion. Furthermore, doctors do not want to see their profession included in the Penal Code.

The control, exploitation and oppression of people who can become pregnant is an elementary part of patriarchal rule. Abortion has been a crime in Germany for over 150 years; while there has been a liberalization in East Germany, § 218 continues to exist in West Germany. This must finally change. But worldwide, the rise of fascist movements threatens the rights of women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people. The fight against fascism is also a fight for self-determination over our bodies and for reproductive justice.

Reproductive justice requires more than just the legalization of abortion. The social framework must be non-discriminatory and just. This means: free from violence, free from racism, free from misogyny, trans and queer hostility, free from the devaluation of disabled people, free from economic pressure and free from social expectations of conservative family and life models. Let us stand up together for a society in which all pregnant people can make self-determined decisions.

Join us in the streets of Berlin and Karlsruhe on December 7, 2024. Let's say it loud and clear: legalize abortion – now!

List of all signatories

Abtreibung entkriminalisieren!
Abtreibung legalisieren - jetzt!
AK Mutterschaft und Feminismus
Aktionsbündnis 8. März Stuttgart
Allerleirauh e. V.
Amnesty International Deutschland
Antisexistische Aktion München
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Augsburger Frauen/Feministinnen
Arbeitskreis Frauengesundheit in Medizin, Psychotherapie und Gesellschaft e.V.
Autonomes FLinta-Referat Frankfurt am Main
Aufstehen gegen Rassismus Berlin
Berliner Frauenbund 1945 e.V.
Berliner Krankenhausbewegung
Bloque Latinoamericano Berlin
Bundesverband der Frauengesundheitszentren
Bundesverband der Migrantinnen in Deutschland e.V.
Bundesverband Trans* e.V.
Bundesvertretung der Medizinstudierenden in Deutschland e.V.
Bund freiberuflicher Hebammen Deutschlands e.V.
Bündnis für die Legalisierung von Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen
Bündnis für eine gerechte Kunst- und Kulturarbeit Baden-Württemberg
Bündnis für sexuelle Selbstbestimmung
Care Revolution Rhein-Main
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie e.V.
Deutscher Juristinnenbund e.V.
DIDF Jugend Berlin
Doctors for Choice Deutschland
Dziewuchy Berlin
Familienplanungszentrum Berlin e.V. BALANCE
Feminist Dialogues
Feministische Intervention Karlsruhe
Feministische Medizin e.V.
Feministischer März Aschaffenburg
Feministischer Streik Darmstadt
Feministischer Streik Köln
Feministischer Streik Leipzig
Feministischer Streik Osnabrück
Feministischer Verein zur Förderung von Frauen*gesundheit und ganzheitlicher Heilkunde, lachesis e.V.
Feministisches Netzwerk für Gesundheit Berlin
Feministisches Streikbündnis
F.I.S.H. (Linke Liste Darmstadt)
Frauenverband Courage e.V. Ortsgruppe Karlsruhe
Frauenzentrum Augsburg e.V.
Frauenbildungszentrum DENKtRÄUME Hamburg
Feminism Unlimited Kassel
Fortbildungskollektiv Queersensible Geburtshilfe
F_AJOC Berlin
gbs Karlsruhe
Gesundheit statt Profite
Gender/Queer e.V.
Gen-ethisches Netzwerk
glitch bookstore
Hebammenverband Hamburg e.V.
Humanistische Union Lübeck
Initiative Equal Care Day / klischeesc e.V
International Council of Polish Women
Internationaler Jugendverein Berlin
International Women Space e.V.
Interventionistische Linke
Keine Shows für Täter Berlin
Kritische Medizin Berlin
LabourNet Germany
Landesfrauenrat Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.
LandesFrauenRat Schleswig-Holstein e.V.
Linksjugend ['solid] Heidelberg
LSVD+ Verband Queere Vielfalt e.V. Landesverband Hamburg
Make Love A Threat
Medibüro Kiel
Medical Students for Choice Berlin e.V.
Medical Students for Choice Hamburg
medica mondiale e.V.
Mujeres sin Fronteras Hamburg
My Voice, My Choice
Nationales Netzwerk Frauen und Gesundheit
Netzwerk der Geburtshäuser e.V.
Netzwerk gegen Feminizide Berlin
Netzwerk Reproduktive Gerechtigkeit
NGG Landesbezirk Ost
Offene feministische Treffen Landau - Ofemi
Omas gegen Rechts Berlin
pia - pro familia in action
Poliklinik Syndikat - Verband der solidarischen Gesundheitszentren e.V.
Pro Choice Bündnis Stuttgart
Pro Choice Deutschland e.V.
Pro Choice München
pro familia Bundesverband
pro familia Hamburg
pro familia NRW
pro familia Schleswig-Holstein
Queermed Deutschland
Reclaim Ecofeminist Alliance
Republikanischer Anwältinnen- und Anwälteverein e.V.
Roter Stöckelschuh
Rhythms of Resistance Heidelberg
SDS Karlsruhe
UN Women Deutschland
ver.di Bezirk Mittelbaden-Nordschwarzwald
ver.di Frauen- und Gleichstellungspolitik
ver.di Jugend
ver.di Jugend Mittelbaden-Nordschwarzwald
Verein demokratischer Ärztinnen
What the Fuck?!
Wir Frauen - Das feministische Blatt
Women on Web International
ZIF - Zentrale Informationsstelle Autonomer Frauenhäuser
8M Rostock
8.März Treffen Villingen-Schwenningen
...ums Ganze! - Kommunistisches Bündnis

Weitere Unterzeichner*innen
Christine Bauhardt (Prof. Dr. Gender und Globalisierung an der Humboldt-Universität)
Daniel Bendix (Professor for Global Development, Friedensau Adventist University)
Teresa Bücker (Publizistin)
Christina Clemm (Fachanwältin für Familien- und Strafrecht)
Antke A. Engel (Dr., Leitung iQt - Institut für Queer Theory, Berlin)
Ellen Händler (Soziologin und Autorin)
Karin Gottschall (Prof. Dr., Soziologin)
Reinhart Kößler (Prof. Dr., Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut, Freiburg)
Ilse Lenz (Prof. em.)
Mandy Mangler (Prof. Dr., Chefärztin für Gynäkologie)
Rebecca Maskos (Prof. Dr., Disability Studies)
Vera Moser (Prof. Dr., Erziehungswissenschaftlerin)
Gisela Notz (Dr., Sozialwissenschaftlerin)
Christa Wichterich (Dr., Soziologin, Publizistin, Universitätsdozentin)
Julia Monro (Speakerin & Autorin)
Thalia Chioti (Ärztin Gynäkolgie)
Bettina Fritzsche (Prof. Dr., Erziehungswissenschaftlerin)
Maja S. Maier (Dr., Soziologin und Erziehungswissenschaftlerin) 

You would like to sign, too? Mail us: kontakt@abtreibung-legalisieren.de

All info about the demo

Demonstration in Berlin

Starting point: 1 pm at Alexanderplatz

Route: Alexanderplatz – Unter den Linden – Bundestag

Flags: Please only bring flags connected to the topic of the demonstration.

Demonstration in Karlsruhe

Starting point: 1 pm at Kronenplatz, there are information stands from 12:30 am

Route: 3-4 km walking distance, rally at the Federal Constitutional Court

End point: Kronenplatz

Flags: Please only bring flags connected to the topic of the demonstration.

Joint journey to Berlin


Joint bus journey to Berlin. Outward and return journey on 7.12. Tickets for a donation (recommended 5-8 euros) in the Schanzenbuchladen. Questions and details at hamburg@abtreibung-legalisieren.de.


Joint arrival by train: 10:04 Leipzig Hbf platform 10 - meeting point 9:45 under the section B sign (For people who come alone, we will find people to connect during Demo).

Joint departure by train: 16:32 Berlin Hbf platform 4 - Meeting point: 16:00 Washingtonplatz at the orange display board at the main station


Joint train journey to Berlin. Further information will follow.


Joint train journey to Berlin. Further information will follow.


Meeting point at 8 am at the main train station north in Rostock to take the 8.34 am train to Berlin. A joint return journey is also planned, which will be discussed on the outward journey. Information on funding opportunities for tickets via Insta 8m_rostock or mixedfeministaction

Are you also organizing a joint trip to Berlin? Then send us all the information by e-mail.

Do you still have questions about organizing a joint journey? You can find important tips & tricks in our guide.

Joint journey to Karlsruhe


Joint bus journey to Karlsruhe. Departure is at ten o'clock. Price on a donation basis 10 - 30 euros. Questions, details and bus tickets at aschaffenburg@abtreibung-legalisieren.de.


Joint bus journey to Karlsruhe: 11 a.m. Darmstadtium. Tickets free of charge, registration at darmstadt@abtreibung-legalisieren.de.


Joint train journey: meet at 9:30 a.m., platform 2 (Freiburg main station), departure at 10:00 a.m. Don't forget change for tickets!


Joint bus journey to Karlsruhe: Departure 9 am at the Esso gas station Licher Str. 155, return approx. 8 pm. Ticket price 20 euros (social price 10 euros, support ticket 30 euros). Tickets are available from the bookshop Roter Stern (Am Grün 28-30, 35037 Marburg). Tickets and enquiries to marburg@interventionistische-linke.org.


Joint train journey to Karlsruhe. Meeting point is at 11:30 a.m. in front of Heidelberg main station; departure is at 11:48 a.m. with the S-Bahn S3 towards Karlsruhe. Questions via Instagram at @abortion_legalize.hd.


Joint bus journey to Karlsruhe. Questions, details and bus tickets at bus-koeln@riseup.net.


Joint train journey to Karlsruhe. Meeting point 11:15 am at Landau main station, departure at 11:38 am. Questions to ofemilandau@protonmail.com.


Joint bus journey to Karlsruhe. Departure is at 08:30 from the main station (in front of the customs office). Ticket price 20 euros (social price 10 euros, support ticket 30 euros). Tickets are available from the bookshop Roter Stern (Am Grün 28-30, 35037 Marburg). Enquiries to bezirk@gew-mittelhessen.de.


Joint train journey to Karlsruhe. Departure is at 10.30 a.m. from Stuttgart main station (platform 8).


Joint train journey: Meet at 9:45 a.m., platform 5 (Tübingen main station), departure at 10:05 a.m. We will only travel with regional trains, so the journey is possible with the Deutschlandticket.

Are you also organizing a joint trip to Karlsruhe? Then send us all the information by e-mail.

Do you still have questions about organizing a joint journey? You can find important tips & tricks in our guide.

Can't make it to the demonstration but still want to support the campaign?

In the action kit you will find many different suggestions for smaller and larger actions; whether it's putting up posters with friends in your neighbourhood, solidarity photos for social media, sending emails to members of parliament or organizing an information event in your favourite café - you can support the campaign in many different ways.

Do you want to support the campaign and the demo financially?

We are currently running a crowd-funding campaign - we appreciate every cent.

Action Weeks

For 12 weeks, different actions will take place all over Germany.

Each week there are different actions – sometimes on social media and sometimes on the streets, sometimes only for a few seconds and sometimes for several hours, sometimes alone and sometimes with a lot of people.

You can find all the information here. Click on the respective week, take a look at the different actions and choose what you want to do.

»Spread the Word«

The 12 action weeks are starting! Let's tell everyone about it!

Week 1 – Action 1.1 
September 21: NoFundis in Berlin & Cologne

What's it about?

On September 21, the "Marsch für das Leben" will once again take place in Berlin and Cologne. The so-called "pro-life movement" has been taking to the streets every year since 2008. These are Christian fundamentalists who, together with conservatives (CDU/CSU) and right-wing extremists (AfD), want to further restrict the right to abortion. They are also anti-queer. As every year, there will be creative counter-protests to make it clear: We will not allow our freedom to be restricted! This time we are also demanding loudly: We finally want safe, free and accessible abortions!

How do you do it?

Grab a few friends and come to Berlin or Cologne on September 21. Alternatively, you can also draw attention to the marches in your neighbourhood – many people don't know that there are such fundamentalists not only in the USA or elsewhere, but also in Germany!

Find out online about the planned counter-protests in Cologne and in Berlin!
Information about the counter-protests in Berlin at sexuelle-selbstbstimmung.de.
Information about the counter-protests Berlin at whatthefuck.noblogs.org.
Information about the counter-protests in Cologne at prochoicekoeln.org.

How long does it take?

Several hours.

Week 1 – Action 1.2 
Tell 5 people about the campaign

What's it about?

75% of the German population are in favour of legalising abortions. Let's make sure that this is also visible in the campaign. For this to happen, it is important that as many people as possible know about the campaign.

How do you do it?

Tell 5 people about the campaign and invite them to take part. Send them the link to our homepage.

For example, you can send them this short text via Messenger:

Hello, abortions must finally become legal in Germany. But the current German government refuses to take action. To change this, there is now a 12-week campaign with different actions every week. I'm taking part! Join in and show that you are in favour of the legalisation of abortions. Together we can make it happen! You can find all information about the campaign and the various actions at: abtreibung-legalisieren.de. Best regards

How long does it take?

A few minutes.

Good to know:

Everything is twice as much fun together: take the opportunity to arrange a joint action – for example, go poster-posting together or travel to the demonstration in Berlin or Karlsruhe on December 7.

Week 1 – Action 1.3 
Like and share our social media accounts

What's it about?

Like our social media accounts so that you don't miss anything over the next 12 weeks. Share them with friends and acquaintances so that they can stay up to date too.

What is needed?

Your own account on Instagram, Telegram, and/or X.

How do you do it?

Search our social media accounts. You can find us on Instagram (@abtreibung_legalisieren), Telegram (@abtreibung_legalisieren_jetzt), and X (@abtreibunglegal). Like the accounts. And share them with your contacts on social media.

How long does it take?

A few minutes – a little shorter or longer depending on how many social media channels you use.

Week 1 – Action 1.4 
Use the campaign logo as your profile picture

What's it about?

Show everyone that you are part of the campaign: make the campaign logo your profile picture on social media.

What is needed?

The campaign logo.

How do you do it?

Download the logo and use it as your profile picture on all your social media channels. Possible social media channels include Instagram, Signal, Snapchat, Telegram, Whatsapp or X.

How long does it take?

A few minutes - depending on how many social media channels you use, it may take a little shorter or longer.

Good to know:

Alternatively, you can also post the logo in a story on your social media channels. Feel free to link our account in your story on Instagram and use the hashtags #AbtreibungLegalisierenJetzt and #WegMit218.

»Out on the street for the Safe Abortion Day«

On September 28, people around the world will be demonstrating to mark Safe Abortion Day. Let's fight together for safe abortions worldwide!

Week 2 – Action 2.1 
Take part in the campaign week for Safe Abortion Day

What's it about?

28 September is Worldwide Day for Safe Abortion. Actions will take place all over the world the week before; in Germany they will be coordinated by the Alliance for Sexual Self-Determination (German: Bündnis für sexuelle Selbstbestimmung). Be there and take part in the actions. You can find all the information here.

Week 2 – Action 2.2 
Bring people together on the street on September 28

What's it about?

A good way to draw attention to our demand is to organise a rally or demonstration on the topic of "Abtreibung legalisieren – jetzt" in your place of residence.

What is needed?

Technology, campaign material and people who support you.

How do you do it?

You can either organise a rally at a fixed location or think about a route for a demonstration. With speeches, banners and posters, you can attract people who hear and read what the campaign is about. You can also actively involve passers-by by handing them campaign flyers. This will help you mobilise people for the campaign and also for the demonstrations on December 7 in Berlin and Karlsruhe.

Organizing a rally or demonstration may sound complicated at first. Soon you'll find here a guide with important tips and tricks.

What does it cost?

Costs may be incurred for the technology or for materials such as posters and banners.

How long does it take?

Rallies or demonstrations usually last two to four hours. However, you will need to plan a few days for preparation and follow-up work.

Good to know:

In some cities, rallies or demonstrations are already being organized on September 28. Find out in advance whether this is the case in your area and join the organizing team. Let us know by email or social media if you are organizing a rally or demonstration so that we can advertise it.

Week 2 – Action 2.3 
Take the campaign into the world

What's it about?

Many people are in favour of legalising abortion, but not everyone is aware of this campaign. Let's change that together. Because only then will the pressure be great enough.

What is needed?

Campaign flyers.

How do you do it?

Get enough flyers – use the print template on the homepage or write us an e-mail and we will send you some. Arrange to meet up with two or three friends. Meet at a central location in your neighbourhood. Busy places such as weekly markets, underground stations or supermarket entrances are suitable for leafleting. You could also organise a rally to mark Safe Abortion Day. It's best to think of a short slogan in advance that you would like to use to address people, such as "Hey, did you know that abortion is a crime in Germany? Let's change that together!".

What does it cost?

The printing costs for flyers vary depending on how many you want to print, whether they are black and white or coloured, whether you print them yourself or in a copy shop and so on. Alternatively, you can also order campaign flyers from us.

How long does it take?

If you have a lot of time, you can take an hour or two for flyering. Alternatively, you can always have a few flyers with you and hand out a few every now and then.

Good to know:

Some people don't want to or don't have the time to accept flyers from you, so don't let that discourage you and just get on with it. Some people, on the other hand, will be very keen to talk to you (or even discuss things if they disagree with you). If you are upset, practise talking to friends in advance. For example, give them three reasons why you are in favour of legalisation. Alternatively, you can also go from door to door and drop the flyers in letterboxes or put flyers in cafés and restaurants.

Week 2 – Action 2.4 
Septemer 29: NoFundis in Munich

What's it about?

On September 21, the "1.000 Kreuze Marsch" will once again take place in Munich. After Berlin and Cologne last week, the so-called “pro-life movement” is now taking to the streets in Munich. These are Christian fundamentalists who, together with conservatives (CDU/CSU) and right-wing extremists (AfD), want to further restrict the right to abortion. They are also anti-queer. As every year, there will be creative counter-protests to make it clear: We will not allow our freedom to be restricted! This time we are also demanding loudly: We finally want safe, free and accessible abortions!

How do you do it?

Grab a few friends and come to Munich on September 29. Alternatively, you can also draw attention to the march in your neighbourhood – many people don't know that there are such fundamentalists not only in the USA or elsewhere, but also in Germany!

Find out online about the planned counter-protest in Munich!

Information about the counter-protest in Munich at pro-choice-muc.net.

How long does it take?

Several hours.

»We put the pressure on«

The current German government thinks that it can get away with doing nothing. Not with us: We won't rest until they act!

Week 3 – Action 3.1 
Contact your Member of Parliament

What's it about?

In order to convince the current German government to legalise abortions in time, we need to put even more pressure on politicians. One important way to do this is to write emails to MPs. The more people do this, the clearer it becomes that we are serious and that the current German government must finally act.

How do you do it?

Contacting your Member of Parliament is very easy: Simply use the online tool with a ready-made e-mail text to your Member of Parliament. All you have to do is enter your postcode and your constituency MP will appear. Now simply click on "Send email". That's it! You can also promote the online tool on social media or send an email to colleagues or friends - for example with this short text:

Hello, I've just asked my constituency MP to campaign for the legalisation of abortion. It's easy to do with this online tool will you join in? Best regards

How long does it take?

A few minutes to send the e-mail. A few more minutes to promote the online tool.

Good to know:

You can also customise the email text to your constituency representative. Of course, the campaign will then take a little longer.

Week 3 – Action 3.2 
Send a postcard to the Federal Chancellor

What's it about?

Let's make sure that the Federal Chancellery receives a rain of postcards. Because every campaign postcard makes it clear: we want the legalisation of abortion. And the current German government, and therefore the Federal Chancellor, has a responsibility to implement this demand now.

What is needed?

A campaign postcard and a stamp.

How do you do it?

The Alliance for Sexual Self-Determination prepared postcards. You can download the postcard online, print it out several times, distribute it to friends and neighbours and send it with a stamp. Alternatively, you can also order postcards. Simply write an e-mail with the number of cards you would like and your address.

What does it cost?

A stamp costs 70 cents. If you don't have a printer, you may incur a few more euros in printing costs.

How long does it take?

If you have to order the postcards first, it will take a while before you receive them. If you print them out yourself, it will be quicker. The dispatch itself then only takes a few minutes.

Good to know:

Instead of buying stamps in the shop, you can also create mobile stamps. However, you need the Post and DHL app for this.

Week 3 – Action 3.3 
Sign the petition

What's it about?

Petitions are an important tool to show that many people are standing up for a cause. That's why we also have a petition – which you can sign now! The Alliance for Sexual Self-Determination has started the petition. It will be handed over to MPs in autumn to show them that they must finally act! The more signatures there are, the greater the pressure on politicians.

How do you do it?

Sign the petition online. To do this, you must enter your real surname and first name, your email address and your postcode (from the address where you are registered!). You must then confirm your signature – you will receive a confirmation email to your email address. You can then promote the petition, for example by posting it on social media or sending an email to friends and family.

How long does it take?

It takes a few minutes to sign the petition. Depending on how you promote it afterwards, it may take a little longer.

Good to know:

There are also stickers with a QR code to advertise the petition. If you would like to have stickers, write an e-mail to the Alliance for Sexual Self-Determination (with the number of stickers you would like and your address).

»Write it on every wall«

Let's take our demand to every town and village. From Flensburg to Constance, from Aachen to Cottbus – we will be visible on every wall!

Week 4 – Action 4.1 
Put up posters in your neighbourhood

What's it about?

We use public space to make our demands visible. We have long been able to do what advertising on billboards can do – with campaign posters. We are also using them to draw attention to the demonstrations in Berlin and Karlsruhe on December 7: the more we are at the demonstrations, the better!

What is needed?

Campaign posters, paste powder (and water for mixing), buckets and tassels for brushing.

How do you do it?

Get enough posters – use the print template on the homepage or write us an e-mail and we will send you some. Alternatively, you can also design your own posters by printing small messages such as "Legalise abortion now" or a coat hanger on A4 or better A3 format. Have a look around your town or village to see where there are lots of suitable places to put up posters. Good scouting will enable you to put up posters more quickly later on. Arrange to meet up with other people to put up posters. Put up posters in teams of two (or more), then it's easier. You can also take videos or pictures for social media. Upload them to your channels with the hashtags #AbtreibungLegalisierenJetzt and #WegMit218. You can also send them to us by email or social media and we will share them on our channels.

What does it cost?

The printing costs for posters vary depending on how many you want to print, whether they are black and white or coloured, how big they should be and so on. Alternatively, you can also order campaign posters from us. Tassel and paste cost around 10 euros.

How long does it take?

This varies greatly depending on how many posters you want to put up and how many people you are doing it with. For high visibility in one place (small town or large city neighbourhood), you should plan an evening with about four teams of two. For smaller areas, one hour is enough.

Good to know:

Posters are not legal in most places, so think about where you would like to put them up. Posters have different lifespans, which means that in some places they are quickly pasted over by others. This means that you may have to put up new posters. Alternatively, you can also go around the shops in your neighbourhood and ask if they will hang the poster in their shop windows.

Week 4 – Action 4.2 
Put stickers on every spot

What's it about?

Being visible in public spaces is the be-all and end-all. So let's stick stickers all over the place so that nobody can ignore our demand.

What is needed?

Sticker of the campaign.

How do you do it?

Get enough stickers – use the print template on the homepage or write us an e-mail and we will send you some. Alternatively, you can also design your own stickers. Then there are two options: Either you arrange to meet up with friends and choose individual districts or neighbourhoods. Or you can always have a few stickers with you and stick them in suitable places from time to time.

What does it cost?

The printing costs for stickers vary depending on how many you want to print, whether they are black and white or colourful, how big you want them to be and so on. Alternatively, you can also order campaign stickers from us.

How long does it take?

It's up to you – you can either arrange to stick some on for an hour or two or simply stick some on every now and then.

Good to know:

In many public places – such as some bars or even suburban trains – stickers are not officially allowed. Make sure that you put the stickers on a suitable surface so as not to come into conflict with the law.

»1000 reasons for legalization«

There are many of us who support the legalization of abortion. And we have many good reasons for being in favor of it.

Week 5 – Action 5.1 
Like and share our social media accounts

What's it about?

Like our social media accounts so that you don't miss anything over the next 12 weeks. Share them with friends and acquaintances so that they can stay up to date too.

What is needed?

Your own account on Instagram, Telegram and/or X.

How do you do it?

Search our social media accounts. You can find us on Instagram (@abtreibung_legalisieren), Telegram (@abtreibung_legalisieren_jetzt), and X (@abtreibunglegal). Like the accounts. And share them with your contacts on social media.

How long does it take?

A few minutes – a little shorter or longer depending on how many social media channels you use.

Week 5 – Action 5.2 
Use the campaign logo as your profile picture

What's it about?

Show everyone that you are part of the campaign: make the campaign logo your profile picture on social media.

What is needed?

The campaign logo.

How do you do it?

Download the logo and use it as your profile picture on all your social media channels. Possible social media channels include Instagram, Signal, Snapchat, Telegram, Whatsapp or X.

How long does it take?

A few minutes – depending on how many social media channels you use, it may take a little shorter or longer.

Good to know:

Alternatively, you can also post the logo in a story on your social media channels. Feel free to link our accounts in your story on Instagram and X and use the hashtags #AbtreibungLegalisierenJetzt and #WegMit218.

Week 5 – Action 5.3 
Tell us your reasons for legalisation

What's it about?

We all have our own personal reasons why we are in favour of the legalisation of abortion. Let the world know why you are in favour!

What is needed?

A smartphone or other device with which you can take digital videos and/or pictures.

How do you do it?

Record a short video (maximum 60 seconds) explaining why you are in favour of the legalisation of abortion. If you don't want people to recognise you, you can wear sunglasses, for example, or find other creative ways. Alternatively, you can also take a picture of yourself holding a poster with your cause up to the camera. Upload the video or picture to your social media channels and use the hashtags #AbtreibungLegalisierenJetzt and #WegMit218. You can also send us the video or image by email and we will share it on our social media channels.

What does it cost?

Possibly a few euros if you want to use props such as posters, coat hangers or similar.

How long does it take?

A few minutes. If you are also making posters or other props, it will take a little longer.

Good to know:

If you like, please introduce yourself briefly in the video, for example with your first name, age and place of residence. This will make it clear that people all over Germany are calling for the legalisation of abortion. If you feel more comfortable, you can also record the video/image together with other people.

»Everything turns green«

In 2020, the feminist movement in Argentina celebrated a major success: the legalization of abortion. Their symbol was a green cloth. Let's build on this success – first symbolically, then legally.

Week 6 – Action 6.1 
Create green windows and balconies

What's it about?

Show everyone that you are in favour of the legalisation of abortion by hanging green fabric out of your window, attaching it to your balcony or placing it in your front garden.

What is needed?

Green fabric in a size of your choice. It is best to choose the size so that the fabric is clearly visible from the street.

How do you do it?

Get some green fabric. Attach it to your window, balcony or front garden. Make sure that the fabric is well attached and cannot accidentally fall down due to wind or rain. Take a photo of it and post it on social media with the hashtags #AbtreibungLegalisierenJetzt and #WegMit218.

What does it cost?

The cost can vary depending on the size of the fabric. You can buy inexpensive sheets in social department stores. It would also be possible to dye an old sheet with green textile dye (available from chemists for less than 10 euros).

How long does it take?

It depends on what fabrics you have available and whether you still want to print on them. It only takes a few minutes to hang them up.

Good to know:

You can also print or paint slogans and symbols on the fabric, for example the campaign slogan "Abtreibung legalisieren – jetzt! Wie sind viele. Wir sind mehr. Wir sind die 75%.", the feminism symbol or "Abolish § 218". Make sure you use waterproof textile paint.

Week 6 – Action 6.2 
Wear a green cloth

What's it about?

In Argentina, a green cloth became a symbol for the legalisation of abortion. The feminist movement there was successful. Let's take the green cloth to the streets in Germany too and ensure that abortions become legal!

What is needed?

A green (triangular) cloth or scarf.

How do you do it?

Get yourself a green cloth. Tie it somewhere visible, for example to your rucksack, your bike or somewhere else. If you feel like it, you can leave the cloth on until the end of the campaign.

What does it cost?

Ca 10 euros.

How long does it take?

It depends on whether you already have a green cloth or need to buy another one and whether you want to print on it. It only takes a few minutes to tie it somewhere.

Good to know:

You can also print slogans and symbols on the cloth, for example the campaign slogan "Abtreibung legalisieren – jetzt! Wie sind viele. Wir sind mehr. Wir sind die 75%." or the feminism symbol. Make sure you use waterproof fabric paint.

Week 6 – Action 6.3 
Take part in the photo collage

What's it about?

Let's show how many of us there are by putting together a large collage of many photos with green scarves. Become a part of it and send us your picture.

What is needed?

A green cloth or a piece of green fabric and a mobile phone with camera and internet.

How do you do it?

Take your green cloth or other green fabric, attach it to a place of your choice – a monument, a balcony, an arm or anything else you can think of. Take a photo of it and send it to us by email or via Social Media. Afterwards, you can either leave the cloth in place as a symbol or take it back with you.

What does it cost?

A few euros for the cloth.

How long does it take?

Depending on how elaborate you want to make the photo, it can be longer or shorter, i.e. between two minutes and an hour.

Good to know:

If you take the photo in public, people may approach you and ask what you are doing. If you have some campaign flyers handy, you can give them to them. It's probably worth briefly explaining it to them and getting them excited about the campaign. They might even want to take a photo!

»Get in touch with your MP at the Bundestag«

It is high time for the German Parliament to decide on the legalization of abortion. The MPs must finally show where they stand.

Week 7 – Action 7.1 
Contact your Member of Parliament

What's it about?

In order to convince the federal government to legalise abortions in time, we need to put even more pressure on politicians. One important way to do this is to write emails to Members of Parliament. The more people do this, the clearer it becomes that we are serious and that the current German government must finally act.

How do you do it?

Contacting your constituency representative is very easy: Simply use the online tool with a ready-made e-mail text to your constituency representative. All you have to do is enter your postcode and your constituency MP will appear. Now simply click on "Send email". That's it! You can also promote the online tool on social media or send an email to colleagues or friends - for example with this short text:

Hello, I've just asked my constituency MP to campaign for the legalisation of abortion. It's easy to do with this online tool – will you join in? Best regards

How long does it take?

A few minutes to send the e-mail. A few more minutes to promote the online tool.

Good to know:

You can also customise the email text to your constituency representative. Of course, the action will then take a little longer.

Week 7 – Action 7.2 
Organise a campaign in front of a the office of a Member of Parliament

What's it about?

The members of the Bundestag think that they can simply ignore us and our demands. But not with us: let's pay them a visit and make them realise that now is the time to act.

What is needed?

Smartphone for pictures and/or videos as well as props, such as campaign material or similar.

How do you do it?

It is best to find a few supporters for the campaign so that you can organise it together. Find out who your MP is and where their constituency office is. You can do this, for example, via the Bundestag website by entering your postcode. There is no assembly week in the Bundestag from October 28 to November 1. This means that many MPs will be in their constituency offices and you can meet them there directly. Think about whether you want to ask your MP for a meeting in advance or whether you want to turn up unannounced. Decide what you want to do at the office. For example, you can hand over demands to your MP, take a photo or video of them speaking out in favour of the legalisation of abortion, or decorate the area around the constituency office with posters, green cloths and the like. Also think in advance about how you will react if they refuse. No matter what you do on site: post pictures and videos of your action on social media with the hashtags #AbtreibungLegalisierenJetzt and #WegMit218 or send them to us by email or social media so that we can post them.

What does it cost?

If you wish to use props, costs may be incurred.

How long does it take?

Allow some time for preparation and an hour or two for the activity itself.

Good to know:

Instead of visiting the offices of MPs, you can also organise campaigns at the party offices in your area.

»The anticipation is rising, everything is ready for the big demonstrations«

In a month's time, on December 7, we'll be taking to the streets in Berlin and Karlsruhe – let's make sure there are lots of us!

Week 8 – Action 8.1 
Organise a bus to the big demonstration

What's it about?

On December 7, we will be taking to the streets in Berlin and Karlsruhe – with people from all over Germany. We need you and your coach so that as many people as possible from as many places as possible can come to the demonstrations.

What is needed?

Bus, bus driver, tickets, passengers and a parking space in Berlin or Karlsruhe.

How do you do it?

Organizing a bus requires a bit of planning. Soon, you can find a guide with all the important points here.

If you are organizing a buy, please send us the following information by e-mail:

  • Departure point & stops

  • Departure date & time

  • Number of buses

  • Number of free seats

  • Public contact address for ticket bookings

  • Approximate arrival time

Please keep us informed if plans change!

What does it cost?

Prices vary depending on the coach company. To compare, ask different companies for the price per seat.

How long does it take?

Bus companies are booked out quickly, so it is important to start organising several weeks before the demo.

Good to know:

Sometimes it is also easier to organise the journey by train instead of bus; here, too, you can buy a contingent of tickets and organise a joint journey.

Week 8 – Action 8.2 
Put up posters in your neighbourhood

What's it about?

We use public space to make our demands visible. We have long been able to do what advertising on billboards can do - with campaign posters. We are also using them to draw attention to the demonstrations in Berlin and Karlsruhe on 7 December: the more we are at the demonstrations, the better!

What is needed?

Campaign posters, paste powder (and water for mixing), buckets and tassels for brushing.

How do you do it?

Get enough posters – use the print template on the homepage or write us an e-mail and we will send you some. Alternatively, you can also design your own posters by printing small messages such as "Legalise abortion now" or a coat hanger on A4 or better A3 format. Have a look around your town or village to see where there are lots of suitable places to put up posters. Good scouting will enable you to put up posters more quickly later on. Arrange to meet up with other people to put up posters. Put up posters in teams of two (or more), then it's easier. You can also take videos or pictures for social media. Upload them to your channels with the hashtags #AbtreibungLegalisierenJetzt and #WegMit218. You can also send them to us by email or social media and we will share them on our channels.

What does it cost?

The printing costs for posters vary depending on how many you want to print, whether they are black and white or coloured, how big they should be and so on. Alternatively, you can also order campaign posters from us. Tassel and paste cost around 10 euros.

How long does it take?

This varies greatly depending on how many posters you want to put up and how many people you are doing it with. For high visibility in one place (small town or large city neighbourhood), you should plan an evening with about four teams of two. For smaller areas, one hour is enough.

Good to know:

Posters are not legal in most places, so think about where you would like to put them up. Posters have different lifespans, which means that in some places they are quickly pasted over by others. This means that you may have to put up new posters. Alternatively, you can also go around the shops in your neighbourhood and ask if they will hang the poster in their shop windows.

Week 8 – Action 8.3 
Show us your demonstration travel group

What's it about?

As we all know, anticipation is the greatest joy. So take a photo with your demonstration travelling group now and show everyone that you are taking to the streets for the right to abortion.

What is needed?

A smartphone or other device with which you can take digital videos and/or pictures.

How do you do it?

Talk to people at work, from your circle of friends or from your sports club and arrange to meet them for the large demonstrations in Berlin and Karlsruhe on December 7. Take a photo together to show that you will be at the demonstration. If you like, you can also use posters or other materials for the picture. Upload the picture to your social media channels and use the hashtags #AbtreibungLegalisierenJetzt and #WegMit218. You can also send us the video or image by email and we will share it on our social media channels.

How long does it take?

A few minutes. If you are also making posters or other props, it will take a little longer.

Good to know:

If you can't get all the people together for one photo, you can also make a collage from various individual photos.

»It is high time«

The current government must act soon, otherwise it will be impossible to legalize abortion before the next election.

Week 9 – Action 9.1 
Leave your mark on the railway

What's it about?

Public transport is usually a place of boredom. Let's take advantage of this and provide some distraction in the crowded compartments: With hangers advertising our campaign.

What is needed?

(Underground) hanger of the campaign.

How do you do it?

Get enough underground hangers – use the print template on the homepage or write us an e-mail and we will send you some. Arrange to meet up with two or three friends. Get on the bus, tram or train and attach the hangers to the poles to hold on to.

What does it cost?

The printing costs for the (underground) hangers vary depending on how many you want to print, whether they are black and white or coloured, whether you print them yourself or in a copy shop and so on. Alternatively, you can also order campaign flyers from us.

How long does it take?

Depending on how well developed the public transport network is in your area, it may take shorter or longer.

Week 9 – Action 9.2 
Get on the metro with the washing line

What's it about?

There is a lot of attention on trams, buses, metro and suburban trains because people sit and wait until they reach their destination. Let's use this to achieve our goal: the legalization of abortion. How can we do that? It's simple: just carry a washing line hung with political demands through the railway.

What is needed?

A long line (washing line or other thick string) and clothes pegs. Posters or old fabric on which political messages can be printed or written, and brushes and paint. Other props, such as coat hangers, green cloths or anything else you can think of.

How do you do it?

Find at least one other person with whom you can do the campaign. Think about what you want to hang on the washing line, for example messages such as "Legalise abortions – now" or "My body, my choice" or even clothes hangers or posters. Get all the materials and get crafting. Bear in mind that the paint may need to dry and that you can't start immediately after you've finished. When everything is ready: Get on the next underground or suburban train, regional train, tram or bus and carry the washing line through the compartments. You can also shout slogans or record something beforehand and play it on a boom box. Or you can distribute flyers from the campaign.

What does it cost?

The material costs around 10 to 40 euros.

How long does it take?

The preparation takes about one evening of crafting. If you need to gather materials, allow extra time for this. On the day of the activity, you can be out and about for as long as you like!

Good to know:

If you are writing on fabric, leave enough space on the sides and write large enough. Stretch the fabrics well on the line, otherwise the messages will not be easy to read. When you set off with the lead, keep it as taut as possible so that the messages are easy to read. You are not allowed to hold demonstrations in suburban railway and underground stations. It shouldn't be a problem to walk there with the material, but it's better to do the action on the trains themselves.

Week 9 – Action 9.3 
Take the campaign into the world

What's it about?

Many people are in favour of legalising abortion, but not everyone is aware of this campaign. Let's change that together. Because only then will the pressure be great enough.

What is needed?

Flyer for the campaign.

How do you do it?

Get enough flyers – use the print template on the homepage or write us an e-mail and we will send you some. Arrange to meet up with two or three friends. Meet at a central location in your neighbourhood. Busy places such as weekly markets, underground stations or supermarket entrances are suitable for leafleting. You could also organise a rally to mark Safe Abortion Day. It's best to think of a short slogan in advance that you would like to use to address people, such as "Hey, did you know that abortion is a crime in Germany? Let's change that together!".

What does it cost?

The printing costs for flyers vary depending on how many you want to print, whether they are black and white or coloured, whether you print them yourself or in a copy shop and so on. Alternatively, you can also order campaign flyers from us.

How long does it take?

If you have a lot of time, you can take an hour or two for flyering. Alternatively, you can always have a few flyers with you and hand out a few every now and then.

Good to know:

Some people don't want to or don't have the time to accept flyers from you, so don't let that discourage you and just get on with it. Some people, on the other hand, will be very keen to talk to you (or even discuss things if they disagree with you). If you are upset, practise talking to friends in advance. For example, give them three reasons why you are in favour of legalisation. Alternatively, you can also go from door to door and drop the flyers in letterboxes or put flyers in cafés and restaurants.

»We are many – always have been – worldwide«

Feminists in Germany and around the world – from Argentina to Thailand, from Poland to Nigeria – have long been fighting for the right to abortion. Let's make their struggles visible and let's finish the fight.

Week 10 – Action 10.1 
Remember past struggles worldwide

What's it about?

From the stern cover "Wir haben abgetrieben!" in Germany to the green cloth in Argentina, from the USA to South Korea. People everywhere are fighting for the right to abortion. Let's remember their struggles!

What is needed?

A smartphone or other device with which you can take digital videos and/or pictures. You can also use various materials, for example a printout of the stern cover "Wir haben abgetrieben!", a world map with current regulations on abortion or anything else you can think of.

How do you do it?

Take a picture or a short video (maximum 60 seconds) in which you commemorate past and current struggles for the right to abortion. Whether you want to commemorate a specific campaign (e.g. the stern cover), a specific country (e.g. Canada or El Salvador) or a specific victory (e.g. Ireland or Argentina) is up to you. Upload the picture or video to your social media channels and use the hashtags #AbtreibungLegalisierenJetzt and #WegMit218. You can also send us the picture or video and we will share it on our social media channels.

What does it cost?

Possibly a few euros if you want to use props such as posters, coat hangers or similar.

How long does it take?

A few minutes. If you are also making posters or other props, it will take a little longer.

Good to know:

If you like, please introduce yourself briefly in the video, for example with your first name, age and place of residence. This will make it clear that people all over Germany are calling for the legalisation of abortion. If you feel more comfortable, you can also record thevideo/image together with other people.

Week 10 – Action 10.2 
Like and share our social media accounts

What's it about?

Like our social media accounts so that you don't miss anything over the next 12 weeks. Share them with friends and acquaintances so that they can stay up to date too.

What is needed?

Your own account on Instagram, Telegram, and/or X.

How do you do it?

Search our social media accounts. You can find us on Instagram (@abtreibung_legalisieren), Telegram (@abtreibung_legalisieren_jetzt), and X (@abtreibunglegal). Like the accounts. And share them with your contacts on social media.

How long does it take?

A few minutes – a little shorter or longer depending on how many social media channels you use.

Week 10 – Action 10.3 
Use the campaign logo as your profile picture

What's it about?

Show everyone that you are part of the campaign: make the campaign logo your profile picture on social media.

What is needed?

The campaign logo.

How do you do it?

Download the logo and use it as your profile picture on all your social media channels. Possible social media channels include Instagram, Signal, Snapchat, Telegram, Whatsapp or X.

What does it cost?

A few minutes – depending on how many social media channels you use, it may take a little shorter or longer.

Good to know:

Alternatively, you can also post the logo in a story on your social media channels. Feel free to link our account in your story on Instagram and use the hashtags #AbtreibungLegalisierenJetzt and #WegMit218.

»Reclaim the streets«

Patriarchy not only deprives us of the right to control our own bodies, but is also visible on every corner of the city. Let's change that!

Week 11 – Action 11.1 
Hang up the coat hanger

What's it about?

Coat hangers are a well-known symbol of the fight for abortion. The reason for this is sad: many people reach for the coat hanger to abort themselves in desperation; this is very dangerous and painful. Let's remember this so that it finally comes to an end.

What is needed?

Hangers (metal), cardboard and pens for posters and/or campaign flyers.

How do you do it?

Get some clothes hangers. Write your demands, for example "Legalise abortion - now" on posters and/or obtain campaign flyers (either use the print template or order some via email). Attach the posters and/or flyers to the coat hanger. Distribute the coat hangers everywhere in your neighbourhood – hang them up in trees, in central places, at the town hall or anywhere else you can think of. You can also take videos or pictures for social media. Upload them to your channels with the hashtags #AbtreibungLegalisierenJetzt and #WegMit218. You can also send them to us by email or social media and we will share them on our channels.

What does it cost?

Metal clothes hangers are available for five to ten euros. You can of course also use hangers from your wardrobe. If you use posters and/or flyers, there are additional costs.

How long does it take?

Allow a few hours to prepare and distribute the hangers. The more you distribute, the longer it will take.

Good to know:

The more hangers there are in one place, the more noticeable they are.

Week 11 – Action 11.2 
Transform monuments into feminist ambassadors

What's it about?

There are many statues or monuments in public spaces. They mostly commemorate men. Often they are hardly noticed and just stand around looking gray. Why not embellish the statues creatively and send a political message at the same time? There are no limits to your creativity!

What is needed?

Fabric or cardboard for painting, (textile) paint and brushes as well as other utensils, for example a green cloth, clothes hangers and more.

How do you do it?

Find a few more people to join the action. Decide on a statue or monument. If it's too central, your art won't last long. Unfortunately, beautifying monuments is unpopular with the police. The best choice is a statue or monument that people pass by, but that doesn't represent an overly important figure. Take a close look at the statue: What fits the statue? How big does a material have to be to stretch a banner between her hands or or or? Come up with a message or slogan. Slogans or messages that you can keep short and to the point are important, such as “Abtreibung legalisieren – jetzt!”, “My body, my Choice!” or "Weg mit § 218". Paint them on fabric, cardboard, or find something of your own. It's best to decorate the statue at night, as this is the safest time to finish your work undisturbed. Take photos and/or videos and post them on social media the next morning using the hashtags #AbtreibungLegalisierenJetzt and #WegMit218. Better keep quiet about the fact that you were the ones who did the beautification. You can also send us pictures and videos via email or social media and we will share them on our channels.

What does it cost?

It is best if you use old fabrics or materials. Sometimes there are also shops where you can get old sheets and other things for donations. You can get textile paint for around 10 euros.

How long does it take?

Plan time to scout, consider, prepare and implement. Maybe a few hours spread over several days is enough. Maybe you need more time.

Good to know:

It is best to use the campaign colors green and purple so that the recognition value increases.

Week 11 – Action 11.3 
Give your street a new name

What's it about?

They are literally on every corner: street signs. Mostly named after men. Feminist demands or names of feminists, that have been fighting for reproductive rights, are rarely if ever to be found there. Let's change that.

What is needed?

Self-adhesive paper or paper and sticking tape, pens (preferably waterproof) for labelling and a small ladder.

How do you do it?

Think of a name for your street sign, for example "Weg-mit-218-Allee" or "Legalize-Abortion-Square". Write or print the name on self-adhesive paper or use sticking tape (for the dimensions: street signs are usually 20 cm high, the length varies depending on the street name). Find one or two other people, take a small ladder with you and off you go to the first street sign. It's best to do this at night so that you can finish your work - unfortunately, many people don't think this is such a great idea. So there are passers-by and neighbours who might call the police.

What does it cost?

A few euros.

How long does it take?

Depending on how many signs you want to glue, the process will take longer or shorter. Allow five to ten minutes per sign.

Good to know:

Find out in advance how such an action has been dealt with legally in your city, town, district or county. Then decide how you want to organize the campaign. For example, you can place your street sign below or above the actual sign. For example, you can put it up for a short time, shoot a video and then take it down again so that it doesn't obstruct traffic. You may also be able to think of other options.

»We stand together«

Come to the demontrations in Berlin and Karlsruhe! Let us show: We are many. We are more. We are the 75%. Let's fight for it together on the streets NOW!

Week 12 – Action 12.1 
December 7: Demonstration in Berlin and Karlsruhe

What's it about?

The time has come: we are taking our demand for the legalisation of abortion to the streets together. Be there when we show everyone: We are many. We are more. We are the 75%.

What is needed?

Weather-appropriate clothing, drinks and snacks, money and ID, demonstration slogans, posters or banners and all your friends.

How do you do it?

The demonstrations in Berlin and Karlsruhe will take place in parallel. This allows us to put pressure on the Bundestag and the Federal Constitutional Court at the same time. Think about which city is easier for you to reach beforehand. If you have a longer journey, make sure you know how you can get there in good time (for example by organising a bus, see Action 8.1) and plan ahead if you have to stay overnight. Come to the demonstration well prepared: it is best not to come alone, but with friends, your family, colleagues or others - because together the joy is twice as great.

What does it cost?

Depending on how far you have to travel to Berlin or Karlsruhe, you may incur costs for travelling and accommodation. Costs may also be incurred if you paint posters or banners.

How long does it take?

Plan several hours for the demo. Depending on how long your journey is, you may need to allow even more time.

Week 12 – Action 12.2 
Paint your banner for the demonstration

What's it about?

You can paint a banner for the demonstration or to carry your demands from your balcony or window.

What is needed?

Pens or paints (e.g. waterproof solid/tinting paint or spray paint) and brushes, fabrics (e.g. old bed sheets, tablecloths, cloths or fabrics from fabric shops or larger department stores). Alternatively, cardboard can also be used.

How do you do it?

Firstly, think about a slogan or design for your banner. You can find inspiration in the campaign material. Once you have chosen the size and length of your banner, you can estimate how much fabric you will need and get the materials. To paint, you can hang the banner on a wall with tape or simply lay it on a surface (e.g. newspaper) and draw the outline of your design in pencil. Then colour in with paint. Leave to dry – done!

What does it cost?

5 to 15 euros.

How long does it take?

You can decide whether you want to paint something elaborate or a short saying!

Good to know:

Fabrics that are as strong as possible are best, as they don't tear so quickly. Depending on the size of your banner or cardboard, you can attach sticks to the back or sides to hold it at the demo. Important: With large fabrics, make a few tears in the fabric to make it easier to hold the banner in the wind.

Week 12 – Action 12.3 
Put up posters one last time

What's it about?

We use public space to make our demands visible. We have long been able to do what advertising on billboards can do – with campaign posters. We are also using them to draw attention to the demonstrations in Berlin and Karlsruhe on December 7: the more we are at the demonstrations, the better!

What is needed?

Campaign posters, paste powder (and water for mixing), buckets and tassels for brushing.

How do you do it?

Get enough posters – use the print template on the homepage or write us an e-mail and we will send you some. Alternatively, you can also design your own posters by printing small messages such as "Legalise abortion now" or a coat hanger on A4 or better A3 format. Have a look around your town or village to see where there are lots of suitable places to put up posters. Good scouting will enable you to put up posters more quickly later on. Arrange to meet up with other people to put up posters. Put up posters in teams of two (or more), then it's easier. You can also take videos or pictures for social media. Upload them to your channels with the hashtags #AbtreibungLegalisierenJetzt and #WegMit218. You can also send them to us by email or social media and we will share them on our channels.

What does it cost?

The printing costs for posters vary depending on how many you want to print, whether they are black and white or coloured, how big they should be and so on. Alternatively, you can also order campaign posters from us. Tassel and paste cost around 10 euros.

How long does it take?

This varies greatly depending on how many posters you want to put up and how many people you are doing it with. For high visibility in one place (small town or large city neighbourhood), you should plan an evening with about four teams of two. For smaller areas, one hour is enough.

Good to know:

Posters are not legal in most places, so think about where you would like to put them up. Posters have different lifespans, which means that in some places they are quickly pasted over by others. This means that you may have to put up new posters. Alternatively, you can also go around the shops in your neighbourhood and ask if they will hang the poster in their shop windows.

Week 12 – Action 12.4 
Mobilize for the demonstration

What's it about?

The final spurt has begun, only a few days left until the big demo. Let's join forces again and mobilise on social media.

What is needed?

A smartphone or other device with which you can take digital videos and/or pictures.

How do you do it?

Record a short video (max. 60 seconds) or take a picture calling for the big demo in Berlin and Karlsruhe. For example, you can give the key data such as date, place and time, say why you are going to the demonstration and/or explain why it is important that there are a lot of us at the demonstration. If you don't want people to recognise you, you can wear sunglasses, for example, or find other creative ways. Upload the video or picture to your social media channels and use the hashtags #AbtreibungLegalisierenJetzt and #WegMit218. You can also send us the video or image by email or social media and we will share it on our channels.

What does it cost?

Possibly a few euros if you want to use props such as posters, coat hangers or similar.

How long does it take?

A few minutes. If you are also making posters or other props, it will take a little longer.

Good to know:

If you like, please introduce yourself briefly in the video, for example with your first name, age and place of residence. This will make it clear that people all over Germany are calling for the legalisation of abortion. If you feel more comfortable, you can also record the video/image together with other people.

»Want even more?«

Then we have more ideas for you here that you can implement at any time.

Week Extra – Action 13.1 
Organise an information event

What's it about?

Organise an information event on the topic of abortion. This way you can offer a place to provide information – many people don't even know that abortions are illegal in Germany – and to organise new supporters.

What is needed?

Presentation of the campaign, projector, room with seating and technology, speakers and campaign material.

How do you do it?

It is best to organise the event together with others. Organise space and technology – good venues without high rent can be, for example, city libraries, district centres, bars or cafés, but also universities or associations. You can give a talk yourself with the help of the campaign presentation or ask one or two speakers for a podium, for example from Doctors for Choice or other organisations. Think about what you want to achieve: Do you want to invite people to join in the discussion or should they mainly listen? Then plan the programme, for example who will moderate, how long the panel should be, how the audience should be involved and whether you want to offer (whispered) translation. Once everything is finalised, you can start advertising: Write an invitation and distribute it via social media, notices, posters or messenger channels. Use the campaign colours to increase the recognition value, add the hashtags #AbtreibungLegalisierenJetzt and #WegMit218 and link to the website. Let us know by e-mail or social media if you are planning an information event so that we can also draw attention to it. On the day of the information event itself, there are four steps to follow: Admission and welcome, presentation and/or panel with speakers, follow-up discussion with the audience and farewell.

What does it cost?

Costs may be incurred for the room. There may also be travel costs and/or fees for the speakers. Discuss this with everyone beforehand so that you are aware of this.

How long does it take?

Start planning at least four weeks in advance and advertising two weeks in advance. The information event itself lasts around two hours.

Good to know:

Lay out campaign materials on site so that people can take them with them. You can also put out contact lists for the large demonstrations in Berlin and Karlsruhe on December 7. This will allow people to network right away, and perhaps someone nearby will organise a joint bus journey (see Action 8.1)

Week Extra – Action 13.2 
Organise a reading

What's it about?

There is hardly anything better than being read to. Therefore: organise a reading to get into conversation with people.

What is needed?

A suitable book – for example "Deine Entscheidung. Alles was du über Abtreibungen wissen musst" by Laura Dornheim or "Glückwunsch. 15 Erzählungen über Abtreibungen" published by Charlotte Gneuß –, a moderator, person(s) to read aloud, a room with seating and, depending on the size of the room, a microphone and speakers.

How do you do it?

Choose a book to read aloud and think about which passage(s) should be read aloud. Then find a person to read it aloud. You can ask the authors or look for other people to do it. These can be people from your environment or alternatively, for example, people from the local theatre. Contact the people in good time to arrange a date with them. Organise a suitable room and, depending on the costs, decide whether the reading should cost admission or be held on a donation basis. It is now important to get the publicity going: For example, create a picture for social media and/or a poster to hang up. Use the campaign colours green and purple, add the hashtags #AbtreibungLegalisierenJetzt and #WegMit218 and link to the website. The more and the earlier you spread the invitation for the reading, the more will come! Let us know by e-mail or social media if you are planning a reading so that we can also draw attention to it. Then you need to find a moderator (if you don't want to moderate yourself) and check whether technology is needed and, if so, organise microphones and speakers. On the day of the reading itself, there are four steps to consider: Admission and welcoming the guests, reading, follow-up discussion with the audience and farewell.

What does it cost?

There may be costs for the room. There may also be travel costs and/or fees for the lecturers. Discuss this with everyone beforehand so that you are aware of this.

How long does it take?

At least three weeks in advance, preferably more, as finding a room and readers can take some time. The reading itself should last around two hours.

Good to know:

Lay out campaign materials on site so that people can take them with them. You can also put out contact lists for the large demonstrations in Berlin and Karlsruhe on December 7. This will allow people to network right away, and perhaps someone nearby will organise a joint bus journey (see Action 8.1)

Week Extra – Action 13.3 
Organise a pub quiz

What's it about?

Sitting in the pub around the corner with a beer or lemonade and learning about abortion in a relaxed atmosphere? A win-win situation. So: organise a pub quiz.

What is needed?

Quiz utensils, pub, technology and small prizes

How do you do it?

It's best not to organise the pub quiz on your own. Think up questions on the topic of abortion. For example, the "Mehr als Du Denkst, Weniger als du Denkst" campaign or the Elsa study can serve as inspiration for questions. In addition to the correct answer, think of two or three incorrect answers. Once the quiz is finished, find a room, such as a pub or café. You can also do the pub quiz as part of an information event (see Action 13.1). Depending on how many people you are expecting, you should organise a microphone and speakers. Think about small prizes (e.g. condoms, campaign posters, green cloth or similar). It is important that you advertise in good time so that there are enough teams. Let us know by e-mail or social media if you are planning a pub quiz so that we can also draw attention to it. For the pub quiz itself, you will also need a moderator and slips of paper for the teams to write down their answers on. Depending on the room, you can also prepare a PowerPoint presentation with the quiz, which you can show with a projector. On the day of the information event itself, there are three steps to follow: Welcoming, conducting the pub quiz and saying goodbye.

What does it cost?

Costs may be incurred for the room and for the prizes.

How long does it take?

Start planning at least four weeks in advance and advertising two weeks in advance. The pub quiz itself takes about two hours.

Good to know:

You can also find more tips and tricks for organising a pub quiz here. Lay out campaign materials on site so that people can take them with them. You can also put out contact lists for the large demonstrations in Berlin and Karlsruhe on December 7. This will allow people to network, and perhaps someone nearby will organise a joint bus journey (see Action 8.1) Lower a banner from a house wall.

Alternatively, you can also use the sticker quiz from feminist*dialogues. The sticker quiz is a participatory campaign without direct contact. There is a QR code on a sticker with a slogan that leads to a quiz. In the quiz, you can answer questions about abortion. To ensure that many people take part, the stickers must be distributed in many places. You can download the sticker here or send us an Email. Or you can use the questions in the quiz as a guide for your self-organized pub quiz.

Week Extra – Action 13.4 
Show a film

What's it about?

Nothing beats a good film night. So organise one at your place of residence and show the film "WIE WIR WOLLEN" there.

What is needed?

The film "WIE WIR WOLLEN", a venue for the screening, speakers for the subsequent discussion and an audience.

How do you do it?

Plan enough time for the preparation: You need to organise the film from the collective, find a suitable room with appropriate technology (projector, speakers and screen), ask for speakers (for example local alliances for the right to abortion or doctors who perform abortions) for the final discussion and advertise (in the social media, the local press and at local venues) for the film screening. Please send us an e-mail for a finished share-pic and an advertising text. Let us know by e-mail or social media if you are planning an information event so that we can also draw attention to it. You will probably need at least four weeks for everything. On the day of the film screening itself, there are four steps to follow: Admission and welcoming the guests, showing the film, follow-up discussion with the speakers and audience and farewell.

What does it cost?

If you show the film as part of our campaign, you can get the film for the solidarity price of 50 euros from the KINOKAS collective. Please provide this information when contacting the collective. Additional costs may be incurred for the room or for speakers. You can set up a donation box at the film screening so that you don't have to cover the costs.

How long does it take?

The film lasts 98 minutes. A subsequent discussion should last 30 to 60 minutes. It is best to plan a few weeks for the preparation, during which you have to do something from time to time.

Good to know:

Lay out campaign materials on site so that people can take them with them. You can also put out contact lists for the large demonstrations in Berlin and Karlsruhe on December 7. This will allow people to network right away, and perhaps someone nearby will organise a joint bus journey (see Action 8.1)

Post pictures and videos of your actions on social media with the hashtags #AbtreibungLegalisierenJetzt and #WegMit218 or send them to us for publication on our social media channels.

Do you have ideas for further campaigns? We look forward to receiving your email.

Do you want to support the campaign financially? A crowd-funding campaign is still running - we appreciate every cent.


Here you find here print templates available for download:

Missing templates will be added soon.

A green (triangular) cloth became the symbol of the successful fight for the legalization of abortion in Argentina. Let's build on this success. Send us an email to get your own green cloth.

You don't have a printer but still want to distribute posters, stickers, etc.? Feel free to email us, and we'll send you the material.

A quick note on billposting: In some places it is not legal to put up posters, so inform yourself and think about where you would like to put up posters.


What do you mean by legalizing abortion?

Legalizing abortion meanslifting the current ban on abortion. Abortion would then no longer be a crime. To achieve this, § 218 of the German Penal Code must be repealed. Abortions are currently prohibited by law in Germany. They are only exempt from punishment if the abortion is performed within the first 12 weeks and mandatory counseling has taken place. It is important for us that no further restrictive legalislation with new hurdles and exclusions is found. Abortion must be a basic public health service. This means that pregnant people must be able to have an abortion safely, free of charge and anywhere in Germany.

Why a campaign for the legalization of abortion NOW?

In its coalition agreement, the government of the SPD, Greens and FDP had promised to examine how abortions could be regulated outside the penal code. This examination has taken place. The final report of the expert commission on reproductive self-determination and reproductive medicine is now available and the mandate to the government is clear: abortion must finally be legalized. Instead of implementing the commission's recommendations, the current government is hiding behind empty promises and contradictory statements. It currently has no plans to legalize abortion. The next general election is scheduled for September 2025. The next government is likely to be more conservative than the current one. It will then be even more unrealistic to finally legalize abortion in Germany. That's why it has to happen in this legislative period. That is why we must act now.

Who are the 75%?

Following the presentation of the expert commission's report, the government claimed that an extensive debate is needed before approaching a possible new regulation on abortion. This is necessary to avoid social division. This is nonsense! There is a vocal minority of right-wing parties and extra-parliamentary right-wing groups such as the so-called pro-life movement, who do not support legal abortion. However, the majority of society sees things quite differently: a representative survey by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) showed that 75% of the German population believe that abortion should no longer be regulated in the penal code. We want to make these 75% visible: We are many. We are more. We are the 75%!

Why is the campaign going on for 12 weeks?

So far, German law says that if you terminate a pregnancy before the 12th week after fertilization (11+6 days after the start of the pregnancy)*, the crime will not be prosecuted (there are other exceptions.) With a regular cycle, a person usually knows that it would make sense to take a pregnancy test after 5 weeks. However, if a person has an irregular cycle, they may not find out that they are pregnant until 8 weeks or later. If there is also uncertainty about whether to continue the pregnancy, the remaining weeks after the pregnancy is discovered are too short a time to make a decision and have an abortion (i.e. medical diagnosis of the pregnancy, mandatory consultation, mandatory waiting period of at least 3 days, and the abortion itself).

With the 12-week campaign, we want to show the government how arbitrary and short these time limits are.

* There are two different ways of counting pregnancies, which can lead to confusion. In principle, the notation is week+days. In Germany, abortions are regularly exempt from punishment if they are counted up to 11+6 post conceptionem (p.c.) or, equivalently, up to 13+6 post menstruationem (p.m.) after the first day of the last menstruation.

Why are the campaign colours green and purple?

The fight for the right to abortion has been going on for many decades, both in Germany and around the world. One of the biggest recent successes was achieved by the feminist movement in Argentina: in 2020, after years of struggle, abortion was legalized up to 14 weeks of pregnancy. The symbol of the Argentinian movement was the green cloth. Feminist movements around the world adopted the green cloth and the colour green as a symbol of common struggle. We did the same by using the colour green and a cloth in our campaign logo. But while green has only been used in the fight for abortion rights for a few years, purple has long been the colour of feminist movements worldwide. By using purple as our campaign colour and the symbol of the clenched fist in our campaign logo, we also want to commemorate these struggles and join their tradition.

Who can take part?

Whether you are an activist group, a group of colleagues, a trade union, a neighborhood initiative, or an individual: everyone can get involved. Find the actions that best suit you and your skills and become part of the campaign. Only together can we build the political pressure we need!

Do I have to take part in all the activities?

No. If you have the time and energy to take part in actions every week, that's great! But even if you can only do one small action or can only come to the big demonstration on December 7th in Berlin or Karlsruhe, you are still contributing to the campaign. Just tell as many people as you can – that helps too!

Can I also do my own/other actions?

Yes! Assigning actions to specific weeks is intended to create a unified expression and greater impact. But other actions and events that you can think of or that you are already planning anyway can also be part of the campaign. Just get in touch with us so that we can mention them and send us pictures and reports to share on social media.

Why will the demonstration take place in Berlin and Karlsruhe at the same time?

The mass demonstration on December 7 will take place in Berlin and Karlsruhe at the same time in order to address both the Bundestag in Berlin and the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe. As the executive branch, the Bundestag is responsible for initiating laws. Therefore, only the Bundestag can decide to abolish § 218 and legalize abortion without replacement. We are demonstrating in Berlin to make sure that this finally happens. But we are also demonstrating at the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe, because the court has already prevented the (partial) legalization of abortion twice in the past. In 1974/1975 it prevented the SPD/FDP coalition's law, which would have legalized abortion up to the 12th week of pregnancy. It prevented this again in 1992/1993. At present, the CDU/CSU is already threatening to file another suit with the Federal Constitutional Court if the current government legalizes abortion and thus finally implements the right to reproductive self-determination. That is why we are also demonstrating in Karlsruhe to prevent the court from enforcing the disenfranchisement of pregnant women for the third time.

Who are you?

The campaign was created in the context of several networking meetings in Berlin since May 2024. We are an open group of feminist activists from different groups, projects and initiatives. We do not see ourselves as a closed circle that is shaping this campaign alone. We invite everyone who agrees with the principles and demands to be part of the campaign.


There's more happening! Here you can see what else is happening...

The initiative "Abortion Buddy" accompanies people (virtually) during abortions, so that they are not alone at this moment and receive emotional support.

The campaign "Gesundheit schützen, Abtreibung entkriminalisieren" (protect health, decriminalize abortion) of the alliance "Abtreibung Entkriminaliseren" clarifies the current regulation of abortion in the German Penal Code and the consequences of criminalization.

The campaign "Legal, Einfach, Fair" (legal, simple, fair) by the Bündnis für sexuelle Selbstbestimmung is calling for new regulations on abortion in Germany. Sign the petition right here!

The "Mehr als du denkst – weniger als du denkst" (more than you think – less than you think) campaign by Doctors for Choice uses figures and statistics to dispel prejudices and stigmas surrounding abortion in Germany.

The European citizens' initiative "My Voice, My Choice" has launched a petition calling on the European Union to ensure safe and accessible abortions for all. Sign the petition right here!

Press & Media

What is being written and said about us...

in German

- The government refuses to abolish paragraph 218 - what to do? (Dissens Podcast, October 30, 2024)

Lawyer Valentina Chiofala and Leonie Weber from the “Legalize Abortion - Now” campaign talk about the necessity of the campaign, the planned demonstrations on 07.12.24, the criminalization of unintentionally pregnant persons and the influence of the anti-abortion lobby - and what can be done about it in Lukas Ondreka's Dissens podcast.

- Reform of the abortion laws (arte, October 10, 2024)

Various alliances, initiatives and campaigns are actively working for a reform of abortion legislation in Germany and directly address the parties of the federal government.

- 12 weeks to legalize abortion (Tagesspiegel Background, September 16, 2024)

- Alliance wants to abolish §218 (zdf.de, September 16, 2024)
A nationwide alliance is committed to the legalization of abortion and has now launched a campaign. The demand is not new, but has recently gained new momentum.

- Alliance wants to push the current government (taz, September 16, 2024)
With the campaign "Legalize abortion - now!" an alliance wants to put pressure on the federal government to delete criminal law paragraph 218.

- Alliance wants to abolish abortion paragraph 218 (swr, September 16, 2024)
The chief physician of two clinics says in SWR Aktuell: "It is not tenable that a medical service is criminalized." Due to the legal situation, her daily work is on the edge of legality.

- Gynecologist: Majority is in favor of impunity (Deutschlandfunk Kultur, September 16, 2024)
Abortion is only permitted under certain conditions. According to a study, 75 percent of people want impunity, according to gynecologist Mandy Mangler. She helped launch the campaign "Legalize abortion - now!"

Get in touch!

For questions and comments, you can reach us by email:

Follow our social media accounts to stay up to date: